It might be regardable as meta-question, but just not finding any access to this area here:
It happens that answers, questions, comments, suddenly disappear, mostly at the same time of the day and under similar, seemingly elementary conditions. Generally just to let you know and that, if you wish to possible solve a possible technical problem, or problem in sequences of possibilities for you meta investigations and possible best welfar (no need or wish to solve any of possible lose from my person side, and just because acting right is only posdible when knowing about certain circumstances):
- Are there possible elementary problems with the question and answering possibilities?
Sometimes content appears, disappears, and again... but such can be of course also just a "personal", individual perception, kammic bodily, verbal or mental phenomena, not a "collective" frutation of a certain group. Maybe even the deeds of envy or angry gotten hungry ghosts. Who knows? :-) Which would call for the implementing of a sacrify shrine for the placeholders (called owner/lords of water and earth, "protective/defending" spirits with strong upanissaya of places.)
Best success with it, and may it not even have touched you here, or gave/give reasons.
Again, no demands or wishes, but just to let it be known, as a matter of appreciation of ALL your skillful works and efforts here.
[Note: This is a gift of Dhamma, not meant for commercial purpose and other low wordily gains by means of trade and exchange]