This is centered around Meditation Retreat in India and Buddhist Centres in Paris?.

My personal view is that we, as a site, can't really afford to be an up-to-date list of Buddhist Centers with reviews and that such questions are not really an excellent fit for a Q&A format.

3 Answers 3


My personal view is that we, as a site, can't really afford to be an up-to-date list of Buddhist Centers with reviews and that such questions are not really an excellent fit for a Q&A format.

I would agree.

However, this community might find some success with questions about how to find or choose a retreat center. You wouldn't curate a list, but perhaps a set of guidelines for how to go about finding and picking an establishment that's the right fit for you.

My $0.02 - this is up to you as a community.

  • For the record, this is the strategy we've used with some success on MA.SE. "What are centers in my area that teach X" is off topic, but "How can I choose a martial art based on these criteria?" is perfectly acceptable.
    – Hrafn Mod
    Commented Sep 5, 2014 at 23:39
  • What is you refere by MA.SE? Commented Sep 6, 2014 at 15:20
  • @SumindaSirinathSalpitikorala Martial Arts Stack Exchange. Hrafn is a moderator over there too. Commented Sep 6, 2014 at 16:52

I would close these of as off topic due to been too localised. Requests for specific resources limited to a specific geographic area are of of interest to a minority and I think just clutter the site. If we allow it, where do we draw the line? Meditation classes in the UK, or West Yorkshire, or Leeds, or a 1 mile radius from my house.

I would close the Indian and Paris centres questions and close off any future ones as too localised.


Certain people may be looking for certain centres with certain criteria, certain traditions. Best is we keep this on topic so some one knowing the linage / tradition can help.

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