Questions tagged [allowed-questions]

Use this tag when examining what is on-topic or off-topic, and why.

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2 answers

Would this question be OK

It may come off as truculent or trolling, but I'm genuinely interested! In what way is Buddhism different in the West and in traditionally Buddhist nations? Thanks
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5 votes
2 answers

Proposal: Pali should be on-topic

It was decided -- here, long ago and without much discussion -- that Pali (the language) isn't Buddhism and therefore isn't on topic -- though of course the meanings (translations, analysis and so on) ...
ChrisW's user avatar
  • 46.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Is Buddhism.SE meant for theoretical/scriptural purpose only, and not for real-life practice?

I ask because I'm surprised, in fact disappointed, that this question was closed: How do I deal with idle chatter/people that talk a lot? (I've retitled it as "How can I talk to my mother (who ...
Kumāra Bhikkhu's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can you make BuddhismSE more welcoming to it's users and solve moderation problems?

I have noticed that it is probably very difficult for many new users to start contributing and gain privileges. I see that new users who aren't posting amazing content get little to no sympathy ...
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0 votes
4 answers

Should there be an explicit policy against "Magical thinking" questions?

Do we need a stricter formal policy against magical-thinking types of questions? Someone posted the following -- in reply to the question, Can the energy generated through meditation neutralize the ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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2 answers

Is "What does this dream or meditation experience mean?" a good question?

Am I right in thinking that a question of the form "I had this dream, what does it mean?" (like this one) can't be answered well and should be closed, e.g. for the "primarily opinion-based" reason? ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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1 answer

Essay requests and sermon invitations disguised as questions

I think the questions that sort of expect answerers to write an essay or give a sermon on a given topic without containing a clearcut question might not be ok for this site. What do you think? ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are "Where can I buy X" questions allowed?

Can we post questions like, "Where can I get X?", where "X" is something like a cushion, a singing bowl, or a statuette?
ChrisW's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

"Is Buddhism for me?"

Recently, this question was posted: Possible Potential Buddhist. I guess the poster is asking if he/she should take the Buddhist path or not. If so, it seems too personal to me to be useful for the ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I ask a question about personal opinion?

Such as would you renounce a permanent heaven? I'm just intrigued, not calling it a cornerstone of Buddhism. I'm not well versed enough in Buddhism, to say.
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

'Comparative religion' questions

There have been a couple of "comparative" questions recently: Is it possible to be both Buddhist and Christian? What is the basis of Lotus Sutta with respect to original Tipitaka? In the past the ...
ChrisW's user avatar
  • 46.5k
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1 answer

Are questions about Sanskrit off-topic?

I think Buddhism involved Sanskrit, but Sanskrit is a language. Are questions about Sanskrit off-topic?
ra1ned's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I copy-and-paste questions from other internet sites?

Is it OK to copy-and-paste a question from another site?
ChrisW's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Best way to ask a question that may founded on incorrect assumptions

The way that Buddhist traditions and ideas have filtered into Western popular culture are sometime completely erroneous, oversimplified, or embellished. I have certain questions about Buddhist ...
syntonicC's user avatar
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3 answers

Should moderators refrain from closing any questions?

Perhaps it would be agreeable to give questions something of a grace period after they are asked, to see what sort of response they garner. So for instance, no moderation intervention, except in ...
Ryan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can we ask questions which could be meant to teach one a lesson?

Can we ask questions which could be meant to teach one a lesson? What is the rule, the purpose of questions in Dhamma-Practice? Given that there have been ideas that "teaching" answers could harm the ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Are the kinds of question, and what kinds of answers are good, considered on Buddhism.SE?

There are actually many ways to answer here and that is perfect, since there are different kinds of question which should be answered differently. The Pañha Sutta says that there are four ways of ...
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6 votes
5 answers

May I share my research, by posting questions on this site and self-answering them?

There are some interesting new discoveries that happened in last few years in science that cemented our religion's teachings. I did many years of research on things like: Four Great elements ...
Theravada's user avatar
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3 answers

For what reason is this question on hold: "Was the Buddha a rationalist?"

This question, which I posted today was put on hold within a couple of hours of its posting, seemingly based on my answer to another question on Meta and possibly, my interactions with a moderator on ...
Krishnaraj Rao's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Are we here to preach and make converts?

Are we here to preach and make converts? For me, the answer is no. We shouldn't be a site for people with out a religious inclination or with doubt yearning for a change to a whole new system. (...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Types of Questions and answers which are allowed

Is this a site for asking questions about the traditions of Buddhism and for finding out what the beliefs of Buddhists are. Or is it to ask questions about those beliefs i.e. if a belief seems a ...
Sam Reeve's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the aspects of Buddhism and it's scriptures that a Buddhist might not like to comment on?

What are the aspects of Buddhism and it's scriptures that a Buddhist might not like to comment on? (Note: A well-reputed forum member suggested that I should ask this question, possibly as an ...
Krishnaraj Rao's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Let's reconsider the 'Moderation policies for Questions'

Based on the input from a discussion with several users on meta, we defined this Moderation policy for Questions. It's a very liberal policy: i.e. almost all questions are permitted. Is that policy ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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2 answers

May I post an opinion posing a question?

In a comment to this question, How sacrosanct is the “source material” of Buddhism?, Yuttadhammo wrote, This sounds a lot like opinion posing as a question... are you really looking for an answer, or ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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4 votes
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Moderation policies for Questions

The policy of each SE site is defined by its community, for each specific site like Buddhism.SE. In this topic (which is long, you probably don't want to read it all) I asked, and a few people ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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4 answers

Are questions with lots of parts on topic?

This question about the environment was posted recently. While no-one can doubt OP enthusiasm I personally don't like questions with loads of little parts that require separate answers. Is that just ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
  • 21.1k
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4 answers

How to ask questions about different traditions of Buddhism?

What questions can and/or shouldn't we ask about other or different traditions of Buddhism? For example, what about the question, From the perspective of Theravada is SGI considered a cult?
ChrisW's user avatar
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4 answers

Whether and how to moderate low-quality questions?

This is a difficult question (maybe a bad question), and maybe especially difficult: Because I'm asking about questions-in-general, instead of asking about one specific question. Because I feel ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the discussion of Taoism acceptable?

I often find it hard to drawn any real differences between Taoism and Buddhism. Because these two have historically influenced each other, should Taoism be allowed as a subject for discussion on the ...
Yoda Bytes's user avatar
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3 answers

Can we ban "comparative-religion" questions?

I was watching this issue for a while before deciding to take a side... Comparative religion type questions are questions that involve comparison of Buddhism with Christianity, or Hinduism or Yoga or ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
  • 58.3k
8 votes
4 answers

Do we have a clear idea what is on or off topic?

After 100 plus days in beta do we have a clear idea what is on or off topic? I have reviewed the closed queue and I'm not seeing an obvious pattern. This is what I can glean from meta questions, the ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
  • 21.1k
7 votes
2 answers

Help for newcomers: allowed questions

I've seen a few questions here on meta about what kind of questions are proper. All of them have answers, but I'm not aware of any place which gathers a synthesis of what are the "rules" of conduct ...
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7 votes
3 answers

New to Buddhism

I'm very new to Buddhism. There are many things I don't understand yet. This forum seems to be geared towards people more advanced in their understanding. Can anyone recommend a forum more conducive ...
Josh's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Are questions asking for lists of retreat centers/temples on-topic?

This is centered around Meditation Retreat in India and Buddhist Centres in Paris?. My personal view is that we, as a site, can't really afford to be an up-to-date list of Buddhist Centers with ...
Hrafn's user avatar
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6 votes
9 answers

Should we have a policy not to provide koan answers?

Just from this answer - is it a good idea to provide koan answers or not? Or should we provide them with a health warning? Do koans even really have answers? I'm not a Zen practitioner so a don't ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
  • 21.1k
1 vote
2 answers

Questions with assertions which deviate from Buddhism or Buddhist History

Here is a question which deviates makes an assertion which is not true regarding both Buddhism and its History. What is the best cause of action to take in such an instance. Ideally we should try to ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
2 votes
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Questions about finding local instructors/communities

I want to ask the community, roughly, if anyone knows of Theravadan Buddhist teachers in the Fort Collins, Colorado area, if they know of lists of communities that I could reference to find this ...
Adamokkha's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What's a "characterization" question?

This came up in the non-buddhism question (comments to the question). Apparently this is a sort of question that is discouraged on some stack-exchanges. My google-fu is not good enough to find the ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Bad-fit questions: answer, ignore, vote down?

@yuttadhammo comments that this question is not a good fit for SE. I can't disagree with that and so on the one hand, one approach is simply to decline to answer, so as not to inadvertently endorse ...
tkp's user avatar
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2 answers

Is iconography on topic?

Questions like, Why does the Buddha look feminine (It's the long lashes, one of the 32 marks) Why does the Buddha have long ears (I think we're going to get 32 of these questions, maybe there ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Asking fundamental "beginner" questions

It appears that many of the visitors to Buddhism.SE are either non-Buddhist, or fairly new to the religion. Understandable that people are curious, and want to ask about it. My opinion is for Buddhism....'s user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is "opinion based" a reason for closing a question?

I'm often seeing questions challenged with the "answers will be opinion-based" critique. And one poster pointed out that that critique comes from SE's core guidelines. If so, I think we have a ...
tkp's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Suggestion for the coming "close storm"

I can see on the user list we are about to get enough people with 500 rep that questions will start closing. I lived through the "Science Fiction" stack exchange beta. Things I remember: one day, ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Convince me your religion is (in)valid" questions

These question show up on forums too-- something along the sort, of I'm shopping for a religion/I'm on an atheist mission This one here and here Worth closing. These are not really questions. They ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Right speech and SE customs. Are Buddhists too nice for an SE site?

Some of the best stack exchange sites can be brutal in how they deal with low quality questions and answers. Low quality questions are shut down. Low quality answers are voted down People will either ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Questions asking for an answer to a controversy

In this question: Is Jhana Required For Awakening? the asker specifically states that they know it is a controversial topic (an understatement in this instance!). I assume we're going to get many ...
yuttadhammo's user avatar
  • 24.1k
6 votes
8 answers

How should we deal with questions about cultural practices of Buddhists that don't actually conform to the teachings of Buddhism?

Prompted by this question: What is the reason for attributing Lord Buddha's statues to days the of week? I understand in this instance, the usage of the statues of the Buddha himself makes it ...
yuttadhammo's user avatar
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2 answers

Questions about choosing a tradition?

One of the most important questions for me personally at the moment is on choosing a tradition/school/lineage/whatever-other-taxonomical-widgets-applies. I have already given, and continue to give the ...
tkp's user avatar
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Are followup (e.g. asking for further details) questions OK?

On receiving an answer to a question, it can sometimes be useful to ask for more details or clarification from the responder. Is that OK, and if so where should that be done? Example (silly, for ...
tkp's user avatar
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Questions with easy online answers

As the Buddhism site is still in Private beta, Is it acceptable to ask a question which the answer can be found on the internet easily (to build up the base), or is it discouraged? As an example, ...
Nalaka526's user avatar
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