I have found a somewhat similar discussion here;
'Comparative religion' questions
Can we ban "comparative-religion" questions?
However i want to direct attention to a broader range of questions such as these; Buddhist Brahmachariya, Brahmin Brahmachariya, celibacy, chastity (compares early buddhist ideas to pre buddhist vedic stuff) Buddhist origin of tobacco and its relation to Native American use (assumes people know about native american stuff) How is the Cognitive Process described according to Buddhism? How does it relate to modern Cognitive Psychology? (assumes we have psych degrees)
The general theme being a request for comparative analysis of two separate fields of study.
Other examples would be;
- How does Buddhism's something relate to Black Holes?
- How does Buddhism relate to Neuroscience?
- Does Kundalini Yoga lead to Nirvana?
I personally think that a person interested in studying ie physics and buddhist studies should ask about buddhisms here and physics on the physics site.
I do think that there are exceptional circumstances;
- the non-site specific field of knowledge is something that is expected to be common knowledge
- the questioneer can consisely & accurately explain what he wants to compare Buddhism to and does not risk misreprepresenting the truth about either field. IE "If i recall correctly a person said X, this is how i understood it, would this be in line with any of the Buddhisms?"
- "How does Theravadin Buddhism relate to Mahayana Buddhism?" Even tho the two are considered to be different religions by many, i think this should be allowed because this is basically a controversy that arose in regards to Buddhism and people here can be expected to have this knowledge.
I don't think these questions are fit for this site as they are generally prone to misrepresenting the truth when asked and getting unreliable answers due to a lack of peer-review (Ie i think one could post about physics here what would've been snapdeleted at SEPhysics).